Local Food in a Global Crisis
As we all stay at home to slow the spread of COVID-19, we have a little more time to reflect on where we get our food. The supply chain for food in this country (and in most of the developed world) has an extensive reach, as we all know. While this provides a fantastic array of olive oils and a chance to eat naan bread actually made in India (thank you Trader Joes!), it also means that we have an unprecedented reliance on unknown manufacturers and growers for our day-to-day staples.
Local farmers and food producers, like every other small business owner, will be struggling through this national shutdown. Please consider buying directly from small growers and food producers as you source food for your family during this difficult time. Most food producers are willing to ship or deliver or arrange a way to connect (with the proper precautions taken for sanitization and social distancing of course!) in order for you to get food from a trusted source AND support a foundational part of our society — the people who make, grow, and produce our food.
Over the next few posts we will be sharing resources and contact information for our farmers’ market vendors as well as other local food resources.
For now we are sharing a very local food source to Rockport: Seaview Farm on 38 South Street. Seaview Farm offers a great selection of local meat, eggs, and this weekend: fresh spinach! Check them out at www.seaviewfarmrockport.com or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SeaviewFarm/
Take care during this difficult time, and we look forward to seeing you out and about in our wonderful community when the time comes. Reach out at any time to tell us your story of local food and local resilience — we would love to share it.