Rockport Farmers Market: Updated 3/04/2025 

2025 Rockport Farmers Market Vendor Guidelines & Policies 

Please also share with all employees who will be selling at Rockport Farmers Market. 

The 2025 Rockport Farmers Market will be held every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Harvey Park at the intersection of Broadway and Mt. Pleasant Street. The market season will run from June 14 through October 11, 2025. We also plan to do one holiday pop-up market. The Rockport Farmers Market is a food-focused market. We will continue to offer two booths weekly for vendors selling food-related products / services (introduced in 2023). These vendors will change weekly and can sign up for no more than four markets. 


Rockport Exchange charges a fee of $35 per 10 x 10’ booth per Saturday. All vendors must pre-pay to secure their dates and space. Failure to pre-pay may forfeit vendor space at all future markets at the discretion of Rockport Exchange. Food vendors who commit to all 18 weeks will get a discount and only pay for 16 weeks (2 weeks free!) payment must be made through Convention Force when selecting dates. 


Vendors selling farm products (which are bulleted below) need only to submit proof of insurance:  

  • Fresh Produce (fresh uncut fruits and vegetables). 
  • Unprocessed honey (Raw honey as defined by the National Honey Board: Honey as it exists in the beehive or as obtained by extraction, settling or straining without added heat).  
  • Maple syrup.
  • Farm fresh eggs (must be stored and maintained at 45°F (7.2°C).  

Starting in 2025 the Rockport Farmers Market has a market permit from the Rockport Board of Health so vendors that sell non-TCS/non-PHF foods do not have to obtain a Rockport Board of Health temporary permit and there is no extra fee. Non-TCS/non-PHF vendors will only need to submit their Certificate of Insurance and a copy of the BoH permit from the town where they operate their kitchen, permits will be uploaded through Convention Force. 

While Rockport Exchange no longer requires non-farm non-TCS/non-PHF vendors to obtain a permit from the Rockport Board of Health (BoH) to participate in the market, it remains the responsibility of all vendors to familiarize themselves and comply with the policies and requirements of the Rockport BoH – which can be seen here


Payment for market dates must be made on Convention Force for the market dates chosen. Market dates are not secured till payment is made in full.

Set Up and Breakdown 

Vendors may arrive any time after 8 a.m. and must be fully set up by 9 a.m. All vendors will be assigned a 10 x 10’ space (unless other arrangements are made) by the Market Manager. Vendors may only set up in the space that was assigned to them as determined by the Market Manager, if you are unsure of where to set up please ask the Market Manager. Weights for tents are mandatory (30-50 lbs. per tent leg is recommended.) Booth breakdown prior to 1:00pm is not permitted. 


● Vendors may temporarily park in the Baptist Church parking lot (access off Broadway) for loading and unloading only, and if space is available

● Additionally, there will be 2 spots at the end of Broadway and 2 spots on High St. for loading and unloading from 8-9 and from 1 – 2.

● Free Vendor parking is available in the Town Annex parking lot until 2 p.m. You will be given a placard on the day of the market to put on your dashboard to be returned at market close. 

Booth requirements:

● A 10 x 10’ tent with weights (30-50 lbs. per tent leg is recommended.)

● Business signage – including the name of the business and clearly marked prices ● Proof of liability insurance with Rockport Exchange Corporation listed as an additional insured on the certificate 

Booth Operation: 

● Vendors must comply with all federal, state, and local health ordinances. Any unsafe or unsanitary conditions will be dealt with in accordance with the Rockport Board of Health. 

● Vendors are responsible for set-up and breakdown of their assigned area. ● Vendors will clean their assigned area at the end of each market. 

● Carry-in, carry-out: vendor trash cannot be left in the park barrels. Recycling and Composting receptacles are for customers and vendors, but please do not overfill, and empty all liquids before recycling or composting. Cardboard should be flattened and kept until the end of market. 

Our Goal is to be a ZERO Waste Market! 

Single Use Plastics: 

The following single-use plastic items are to be made of compostable material that is certified compostable: 

● food service ware (straws, stirrers, cups, bowls, plates) 

● Water bottles 

● thin-film shopping bags (paper bags are preferable) 

Please review this flier showing alternatives to plastic, and the current by-laws, both located on the Rockport Board of Health website under “Plastics By-Laws“ 

Please note: many of the companies that sell compostable products also sell products that are NOT compostable, so please check each item for COMPOSTABLE standards at: 

Weather Policy 

Rockport Farmers Market is a rain or shine market. Weather cancellations will be at the sole discretion of Rockport Exchange. The market will be canceled only in the case of

extreme weather conditions, especially those where a state of emergency is called by state or municipal officials. The Market Coordinator will notify vendors of a cancellation. If a market is canceled, vendor fees will be refunded or an alternative market date will be provided. We will be reasonable in our determination, but please keep in mind that the weather changes quickly in New England. As such, it is unusual that we will cancel a market. If we do need to cancel a market, we will make every effort to notify vendors as early as possible. 

Vendor Reservation & Cancellation 

By choosing dates on your application, you are committing to participating on the chosen market dates, should your application be accepted. The success of Rockport Farmers Market is dependent on the dedication of our vendors. When one vendor fails to show up for a date for which they have applied, it affects the success of the entire market. Vendors should occupy their spaces no later than 30 minutes before the Market opens and stay until market close. Repeated lateness or absence may result in loss of vendor status. 

Grievance Procedure 

The market manager will handle any grievances on market day. 

By submitting the application form, you agree that you are responsible for payment of your reserved dates whether you attend or not. No refunds, credits or make-up dates will be given to vendors who choose not to attend a market, unless pre-arranged. 

Documentation Requirements 

The Rockport Farmers Market works closely with the Board of Health in the town of Rockport to ensure that all vendors follow state and local regulations. The following highlighted documents must be provided to Rockport Exchange prior to the start of market season: 

  • Certificate of liability Insurance (all vendors and non-profits) with Rockport Exchange Corporation listed as an additional insured on the certificate.
  • Alcoholic beverage vendors must provide a signed liquor license from the town.
  • Permit from the local board of health from the city/town where the food products are made. (Permit to Operate a Food Establishment) 

For more information: 


Mailing address: Rockport Exchange, PO Box 2294, Rockport, MA 01966


Contact Us

Get in touch with our team for more information.