Rockport Farmers Market: Updated 2/24/2025
2025 Guidelines for Community Organizations and Non-Profits

Each week, Rockport Exchange offers booth space for up to 2 non-profits weekly at no charge –  contingent on space availability. Non-profits may select up to three market dates per market season.  

The 2025 Rockport Farmers Market will be held every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.  in Harvey Park at the intersection of Broadway and Mt. Pleasant Street. The market season will run from June 14 through October 11, 2025.  

The Rockport Farmers Market takes place rain or shine.

We are happy to welcome our community-minded partners, but ask that participants read, understand, and follow the guidelines as outlined, below.  We encourage non-profits that educate and encourage community based engagement.  Partisan and candidate focused politics are not allowed.

Organizations must meet the following criteria to participate:

  1. Be a member of the Cape Ann community
  2. Be active in building community within whatever capacity the organization operates

Community Organizations must abide by the following:

  1. Offer an interactive and/or educational activity
  2. Be  set up before the start of the market (set up is between 8 and 9)
  3. Staffing during market hours: from 9 am to 1 pm
  4. Booth breakdown before 1 pm is not permitted
  5. Fundraising:  Although we do not prohibit fundraising, we do ask that no food items be sold.

Community Organizations must provide:

  1. 10 x 10’ tent or canopy with weights (15-30 lbs per tent leg is recommended)
  2. Chairs and tablecloth, if needed/desired
  3. At least one representative to staff the table for the duration of the market: 9 am to 1 pm
  4. Information about the community organization
  5. Like vendors, all non-profits and community organizations must have their own liability insurance with Rockport Exchange Corporation listed as an additional insured on the certificate.


Community Organizers may arrive any time after 8 a.m. and must be fully set up by 9 a.m.  You will be assigned a 10 x 10’ space (unless other arrangements are made) by the Market Coordinator.


There will be 2 spots at the end of Broadway and 2 spots on High St. for loading and unloading from 8-9 and 1-2.

For more information:
Mailing address:  Rockport Exchange, PO Box 2294, Rockport, MA 01966

Community Organization and Non-Profit Application
Once your application is received Rockport Exchange will respond to let you know if we are able to accommodate your organization on up to three of the requested dates.


Contact Us

Get in touch with our team for more information.